Following various Discographies are available from Abiko Audio Fan Club(AAFC), Abiko City, Japan. (All compiled by Toshiro Takahashi)
Although the below discographies are not available commercially, the AAFC will be able to airmail a copy or copies specially with actual cost of a copy or copies described for each plus mailing expenses together paid in advance.
Please contact to : Mr.Takao Wakita
1. Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No.5 in C minor, OP. 67 (published in 2005)

covering 536 performances
from the world-first recording by Grosses Odeon-Steich Orckester (rec. 1910) till Vladimir Ashkenazy /NHK SO (rec. Oct. 2004)
with various datas such as the names of Conductor, Orchestras, recording dates & places, details of fomat, Label name, Catalogue number, country of issue & index of Conductors.
Cost of a Discography : J Yen 1,200.00 plus Mailing Cost (various upon destination)
Please ask us.
-This discography was published in 2005 commemorating the 10th Anniversary of AAFC, but now being temporarily suspended. The time of availability will be announced through Home Page of the AAFC. –
2. First Supplement to the above Discography (regarding Beethoven’s Symphony No.5 in C minor, OP. 67 )

covering the additional 70 performances which have been issued from Oct. 2004 to Dec 2009. (published in 1910)
-This Discography is also being temporarily suspended. –
( as for cost of a supplement & mailing , please ask us)
3. Johann Sebastian Bach’s Saint Matthew Passion, BWV 244

covering 114 performances
from the Abridged Version by William D. McKinley/St.Bartholomew’s Choir & Organ (rec. 1932) to Jeffrey Skidmore/Ex Cathedral Chamber Choir & Baroque Orch. (rec. 2009)
with such data as the names of conductor, orchestra, choral groups, soloists, recording dates & places, details of format, Label name, Catalog Number, & index of conductors. (published in 2010 )
Cost of a Discography : J. Yen 1,000.00 plus Mailing Cost (various, please contact us)
4. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Three (3) Major Operas (“Le Nozze di Figaro” “Don Giovanni” & “Dir Zauberflote”. – combined total 395 recordings are included.

This discography is intended to compile Mozart’s three major operas, i.e.,”Le Nozze di Figaro”, “Don Giovanni”, and “Die Zauberflote” respectively in alphabetical terms. Both audio and video recordings which have been released around the world up until June 2014 are listed here as many as possible in chronological order.
As a general rule, only complete recordings of the piece are listed here but some notable recordings of excerpts are also included as exceptions in case the compiler acknowledges their significance. In addition, even in case some verbal elements or recitatives are missing, such recordings are included as long as they are complete version of recordings of the opera as a whole.
The language of the recordings listed here is mostly in the original language. Namely, “Le Nozze di Figaro” and “Don Giovanni” were recorded in Italian and “Die Zauberflote” in German respectively. In case the recording language is different from the original, such notes are added to the list when the language is evident. In addition to the artists’ information such as the name of conductor, choral groups, orchestras, soloists for main roles, and director in case of video recordings, issuing disc data such as recording format, Label name, Catalog number, and the country of issue are generally included in the list.
As a reference, the compiler has included the conductors’ index at the end of the discography in alphabetical order.
A. “Le Nozze di Figaro”(The Marriage of Figaro) – Opera Buffa K 492
covering 125 performances from Fritz Busch/Glyndebourne Festival(re.1934-36) to Currentzis/Musicaeterna(rec. 2012)
B. “Don Giovanni” – Dramma Giocoso K. 527
covering 156 performances from Serafin/Metropolitan Opera(rec. 1934L) to Wigglesworth/Op. Australia(rec. 2011)
C. “Die Zauberflote” (The Magic Flute) – Singspiel K. 620
covering 114 performances from Toscanini/VPO&V.St.Op.Cho(rec.1936L at Salzburg) to Summers/VSO&Prague Phil.Cho(rec. 2013L)
Cost of a Discography : J. Yen 2,500.00 plus Mailing Cost (various, please ask us)